Federal artistic and historic monuments intervention, Experiences and Reflections. Central Valley and Isthmus of Tehuantepec after September 2017’s earthquakes
Heritage, earthquake, oaxaca, conservationAbstract
The damages in Tehuantepec, Oaxaca from September 7th, 19th and 23rd 2017, due to the earthquake and its
aftershocks, are a matter of public knowledge. Soon after, the state government issued an emergency declaration
in 41 municipalities. The situation caused the mobilization of cultural heritage conservation specialists, mainly
from the affected states: Chiapas, Mexico City, State of Mexico, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Hidalgo, Morelos, Puebla,
Tlaxcala and Veracruz. From the 100% of detected damage in movable and immovable property, Oaxaca
represented the 22.8%. From the second half of 2018, the intervention of nine buildings, in the Central Valley
and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec area, started. More than three years later, some of them remain in closure
process. This experience, produced several reflections on the conservation and restoration of immovable
cultural property in emergency situations, encompassing management, intervention, theory and research.
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